Red Eye vs Black Eye vs Dead Eye Coffee.The Ultimate Caffeine Guide.

by Coffee Shrubs
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Three drinks stand out for simplicity and effectiveness when discussing coffee: Red Eye vs Black Eye vs Dead Eye Coffee. Known for combining traditional coffee with one, two, or three espresso shots, these variants offer an energy boost beyond a standard cup of coffee. Appreciated by morning workers and night owls alike, these drinks have found a place on the menu of modern coffee shops and famous coffee chains.

In this article, we’ll explore how these three drinks have become favorites for many and what makes them unique in coffee’s vast and varied world.

FeatureRed EyeBlack EyeDead Eye
Base Coffee1 cup of coffee1 cup of coffee1 cup of coffee
Espresso Shots1 shot2 shots3 shots
Caffeine IntensityModerate-HighHighVery High
Flavor ProfileBalanced with an intense touchStrong and robustVery intense and concentrated
Approximate Caffeine (mg)158-228 mg221-291 mg284-354 mg

What Does “Red Eye” in Coffee Mean?

A clear glass mug filled with Red Eye coffee next to a shot of espresso

The term “Red Eye” refers to a regular coffee with an added shot of espresso, combining the richness of drip coffee with the intensity of espresso. This blend is born from the need for an additional energy boost, ideal for long nights or particularly tough mornings. 

The name “Red Eye” is derived from overnight transcontinental flights in the United States, hinting at the drink’s ability to keep passengers awake.

What is a Black Eye Coffee?

"A clear glass mug filled with Black eye coffee next to a  2 shot of espresso and a scattered pile of whole coffee beans on a white background

On the other hand, the “Black Eye” takes the Red Eye proposition a step further by incorporating not one but two shots of espresso into regular coffee.

 This version offers an even stronger jolt of caffeine, and flavor is recommended for those needing extra energy. Like its cousin, the Red Eye, the Black Eye combines the smoothness of drip coffee with the depth of espresso, creating an intense and rewarding sensory experience.

What is a Dead Eye Coffee?

"A clear glass mug filled with dead eye coffee next to a  3 shot of espresso and a scattered pile of whole coffee beans on a white background

The “Dead Eye” is undoubtedly the most intense option. Made with three shots of espresso added to regular coffee, the Dead Eye is the ultimate expression of strength in the coffee world. Its evocative name suggests the almost legendary potency of the drink, capable of reviving even the most tired.

 It’s not for the faint of heart but for those seeking the highest stimulation.

What is the difference between black eye, red eye coffee, and Dead Eye Coffee?

The main difference between Black Eye, Red Eye, and Dead Eye coffees lies in the number of espresso shots added to a base of regular drip coffee: one shot for a Red Eye, two for a Black Eye, and three for a Dead Eye. This variance directly impacts the caffeine content and flavor intensity of each drink. 

A Red Eye offers a moderate caffeine boost with a balanced flavor, making it ideal for a morning pick-me-up or a midday refresh. 

The Black Eye provides a more decisive caffeine kick and a more pronounced espresso flavor, suitable for those needing extra energy.

 With its three espresso shots, The Dead Eye delivers the highest level of caffeine and is favored by those seeking the ultimate wakefulness boost. 

This gradation allows coffee enthusiasts to choose their beverage based on their desired caffeine intake and flavor preference.

caffeine levels in Red Eye, Black Eye, and Dead Eye Coffee

The caffeine levels in Red Eye, Black Eye, and Dead Eye coffees can significantly vary depending on the coffee’s strength and the espresso shots added. However, we can provide an estimated range based on standard measurements:

Regular Drip Coffee: A standard 8-ounce cup of drip coffee contains 95-165mg of caffeine, depending on the bean and brewing method.

Espresso: A shot of espresso typically contains 63 milligrams of caffeine.

Based on these averages, we can estimate the caffeine content in each drink:

  • Red Eye Coffee: Combining a standard cup of drip coffee with one shot of espresso would yield approximately 158 to 228 milligrams of caffeine.
  • Black Eye Coffee: A Black Eye, with two shots of espresso added to a standard cup of drip coffee, would contain approximately 221 to 291 milligrams of caffeine.
  • Dead Eye Coffee: The most potent of the three, a Dead Eye, adds three espresso shots to a standard cup of drip coffee, resulting in an estimated caffeine content of 284 to 354 milligrams.

How to Make a Red Eye Coffee

  1. Prepare the Drip Coffee:
    • Start by brewing a standard cup of drip coffee. Use about 2 tablespoons of coffee grounds for every 6 ounces of water, adjusting to taste.
    • Once brewed, pour the coffee into a large mug.
  2. Brew the Espresso:
    • Using an espresso machine, pod machine, or stovetop espresso maker, brew a single shot of espresso. This typically requires about 7-9 grams of finely ground espresso coffee.
  3. Combine:
    • Immediately after brewing, pour the single shot of espresso into the mug of drip coffee.
  4. Serve:
    • Gently mix the blend to meld the flavors together.
    • Serve hot, and enjoy the balanced yet potent kick of a Red Eye coffee.
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How to Make a Black Eye Coffee

  1. Brew the Drip Coffee:
    • Brew a standard cup of drip coffee, following the abovementioned ratio.
    • Transfer the brewed coffee into a sizable mug, making room for the additional espresso.
  2. Brew the Espresso Shots:
    • Prepare two shots of espresso following your method of choice. This will double the amount of espresso required for a Red Eye.
  3. Combine:
    • Pour both shots of espresso into the mug containing the drip coffee.
  4. Serve:
    • Stir well to ensure the espresso and coffee are thoroughly mixed.
    • Enjoy Black Eye coffee’s robust and intense flavor, perfect for those extra-long days.
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How to Make a Dead Eye Coffee

  1. Prepare the Drip Coffee:
    • Begin by brewing your favorite drip coffee into a large mug. The mug must be large enough to hold the coffee, plus three espresso shots.
  2. Brew the Espresso Shots:
    • Brew three shots of espresso. This requires tripling the espresso used in a Red Eye.
  3. Combine:
    • Carefully pour all three espresso shots into the mug of brewed drip coffee.
  4. Serve:
    • Stir the coffee and espresso together until they’re well combined.
    • The Dead Eye coffee is ready to serve, offering an unparalleled caffeine boost when you need maximum alertness.
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Here are some practical tips for when you decide to indulge in a Red Eye, Black Eye, or Dead Eye coffee:

  • Always choose high-quality coffee beans that have been well-roasted with a robust flavor profile.
  • For brewing, avoid tap water; filtered water is always preferable to ensure a clean and pure coffee taste.
  • For the freshest flavor, it’s suggested to grind coffee beans immediately before brewing. Acquiring one could significantly enhance your coffee experience if you lack a grinder.
  • Thoroughly mix the espresso with the drip coffee before consuming it to ensure a uniform flavor.
  • Be mindful of the amount of coffee you use; too much can make your coffee overly strong and bitter.


Red Eye, Black Eye, and Dead Eye coffee span a broad spectrum of caffeine, offering everything from a mild lift to a substantial energy boost. Tailored for varying preferences and energy needs, they combine flavor and vigor uniquely. Ideal for those seeking to explore the richness of coffee with an extra kick, each variant promises a distinct experience. Have you explored these invigorating options?

We’d love to hear about your favorites and how they energize your routine! If you enjoyed this article, you might also be interested in the Differences between espresso, ristretto, and lungo.

Frequently Ask Questions About Red Eye, Black Eye, and Dead Eye Coffee

Is Red Eye Coffee Strong?

Yes, Red Eye coffee is vital due to the addition of an espresso to a regular cup of drip coffee. This combination increases the caffeine content significantly compared to a standard cup of coffee and enhances the overall flavor intensity. The added espresso shot gives it a more robust taste and a higher caffeine kick, making it a popular choice for those seeking an extra boost.

What Does Red Eye Coffee Taste Like?

Red Eye coffee offers a unique taste that combines the rich, full-bodied flavor of drip coffee with the bold, concentrated notes of espresso. This blend results in a complex flavor profile that is more intense than regular coffee alone. The espresso shot adds a slightly bitter but richly aromatic quality to the coffee, enhancing its overall flavor and making it more satisfying for those who appreciate a strong coffee taste.

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